Dear AISHK families,
On behalf of the AISHK Parent Association (PA), I would like to extend a warm welcome to new families and staff joining us this year, along with our returning families.
AISHK has come to be known for its warm community and “family feel”. This is largely owed to our supportive parent community who are truly a helping hand and friendly face for the whole school.
Any AISHK parent is automatically considered part of the AISHK Parent Association, and we encourage parents to take advantage of opportunities to support the school and make new connections. The initiatives and activities of the Parent Association are supported by annually-elected volunteers who make up the Parent Association Executive Committee.
The role of the Parent Association is to:
The Parent Association could not be as successful as it has been without the help of our wonderful community. There are many ways to contribute to and benefit from this - from helping volunteering as a Parent Representative for your child's class, getting involved with events and their planning, or by simply attending a PA General Meeting.
To stay up-to-date with school and PA news, I encourage parents to install the iSams and read the weekly school e-newsletter, Dhanara. Please also keep an eye on this webpage as meeting and event dates will be published here when confirmed.
If you have any queries, suggestions or would like to learn more about being involved with the PA, please get in touch with me by emailing the
On behalf of the PA Committee, I look forward to a wonderful 2024, working with the community and getting to know you throughout the year.
Alex Harrington | President, AISHK Parent Association
2025 Executive Committee
Please reach out to the PA Executive for 2025 if we can be of any assistance:
General Committee
Rob Daniel, Emily Tang, Brett Verschoor, Natalie Glanville, Tin Nguyen, Jacinta Fernandes, Banovwe Shakarho, Alanna Miles, Heidi Ng, Vivian Wong.
Oversees and assists with all activities undertaken by the Association;
Represents the Association to the School and the wider community through events, meetings and through a position by invitation on the School’s Board
Promotes sound cooperation and collaboration between the PA and the School and demonstrates commitment to all Association events and their planning
The President is expected to Chair all PA General Meetings (approx. 4 per year) and Head of School meetings (approx. 4 per year)
Vice President - Secretary
Oversees the agenda, minutes, record-keeping and other administration for the Association
Must attend all PA Executive & Head of School Meetings (approx. 4 per year)
Vice President - Finance
Manages the account of the Association and supervises the accounting for Association events
Liaises with the School’s Business Administrator and reports to the Association on financial matters, and therefore, should have a reasonable understanding of Accounting
Vice President – Events
Supports the President, Secretary and specific event committees to plan and schedule PA events for the year
Coordinates with and supports the PA President and Secretary and specific event committees to maintain related documentation and communications regarding PA events
Works proactively and closely with the School Development Office to leverage from and align messaging with the School’s official communication platforms and ensure timely event promotion
Works closely with the Treasurer to observe the budget for PA events
Assists with attracting volunteering, donations, rostering and on-the-day planning for PA events
Vice President - New Parent Coordinator
Facilitates the Welcome Coffee Mornings, normally the first day of each term
Manages the New Parent Forums at the beginning of each term, as required
Ad hoc, informal meeting with parents, as required
Works closely with the Vice President – Community
Liaises with School and external parties, as appropriate, to conduct other gatherings of interest to new families to Hong Kong and AISHK
Vice President – Community
Recruits and coordinates Class/Year-level Representatives
Manages communication between the Class/Year-level Representatives and the PA in relation to parent social activities within their class or year levels
Works closely with the Vice President – New Parent Coordinator and their respective activities
Members provide general assistance with tasks as they arise throughout the year. They may take on specific committee responsibilities for the Association, by arrangement with the PA President and the Head of School, such as assisting with Parent Forums, Welcome Committees for new AISHK parents or the PA Website. General committee members may wish to join the sub-committees that are formed during the year to organise key events eg. AISHK Fair, Ball, Mother’s Day or Father’s Day events.
AISHK has always enjoyed and been known for its warm community spirit and has been fortunate to have a supportive and dedicated parent body. The Parent Association have a long tradition of inviting parents to become a volunteer representative for each year group. Parents generally find being a Class/Year Level Representative is a rewarding way to become involved in the school community and to get to know other AISHK parents and families, and members of the wider AISHK network.
There is generally one Class Representative per homeroom in Primary and one Representative per Year Level in Secondary who all play an integral role through the Parent Association by forming and strengthening parent connections. The main purpose of this role is to provide a link or contact point for parents within class groups and year levels. The role is especially important in helping to welcome new families to our school. Class and Year Level Representatives will:
Term 1 General Meeting
Time and Date: 8.30am, Wednesday 26th February, Level 9 Staff Room on
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