As a non-profit organisation, AISHK is committed to instilling a strong sense of community service and ongoing civic engagement and leadership in our student community. Community service programs exist through every year level at the school through our house system, with each house having a specific organisation that students support throughout the school year. This initiative allows students to not only fundraise for projects, but to develop a strong connection with the work of their house's charitable organisation. Students also have the opportunity of a first-hand experience, visiting and assisting in projects as part of the Secondary Activity Week programme.

In 2014, AISHK Secondary students formed The YES Club (Youth Experiencing Service) - a student-initiated community service club open to all secondary students, in support of over 30 local charities. The YES Club has grown from strength to strength, participating in a wide range of service activities, including assisting at food kitchens, visiting the elderly, reading to younger children, soap cycling and tutoring local school students.