We look forward to welcoming you and your family to the AISHK community.
Our New Family Information page contains key resources, and useful information related to our school operations and procedures. Please take the time to review all the sections carefully, making note of information that is particularly relevant to you and your child.
First Day of Term School Procedures
Arrival and Dismissal Information
2025 Calendar and Term Dates
On-site Catering
Laptop Program
Instrumental Music Program
Extra Curricular Activities (ECAs)
First Day of Term School Procedures
On the first day of each new term we welcome our all new students in the auditorium. There is a short registration and then students are taken to their classrooms.
Parents are welcome to accompany their child into the school on the first day as there is an opportunity to meet our Head of School, and the leadership teams from both Primary and Secondary.
Primary students will be accompanied to their classroom by our support staff and parents are welcome to help settle their child and meet the class teacher.
Secondary students will meet their Head of Year in the auditorium and will be accompanied to their homeroom by their class buddy or Head of Year.
All textbooks and note books are provided by the school as part of the tuition. These will be provided to students on their first day of school. In Primary, stationery, including pencils and pens are provided to the students. Students will be issued with a school diary in both Primary and Secondary.
In Primary, the school diary is used as a communication tool between the class teacher and the home. Class teachers will provide further information regarding Primary timetables via email.
In Secondary, the diary is for the student to support their learning and to manage their school timetable.
All students in Primary and Secondary will be allocated a locker where they can keep their belongings. Secondary students are encouraged to use a lock for their locker.
All students should bring a water bottle to school which can be refilled at the numerous water fountains located in the school.
Students from Year 3 to Year 12 will be issued with a student card. Students will be responsible for the safe keeping of their student card.
Students from Year 4 to Year 9 are required to use a school laptop. The school laptop will be issued to them on their first day. For more information on the laptop program, please refer to the “Laptop program” section.
Orientation for new students. Each new student will be allocated a ‘buddy’ from their classroom or homeroom and this buddy will give your child a tour, sit and/or play with them at lunch and be able to answer any questions they may have. Students will meet their ‘buddy’ in their classroom/homeroom on the first day of school.
For those students who begin with the school after the beginning of a school term they will be greeted by the admissions team and then accompanied to their classroom or home room. All other processes will then take place with the support of the Primary or Secondary school section.
Arrival and Dismissal Information
Primary Division
AISHK offers Reception classes with school hours as follows:
Reception Full Day
8:15am - 2:45pm, Monday - Friday.
Classrooms open at 7:55am.
Preparatory - Year 2 Students:
8:15am - 2:45pm, Monday to Friday.
Year 3 - Year 6: 8:15am - 2:50pm, Monday to Friday.
Classrooms open at 7:55am.
Secondary Division
Secondary classes start at 8:15am and have various dismissal times as follows:
Monday to Thursday - 3:30pm
Friday (after Secondary Activities) - 3:00pm.
Late Arrivals
Primary: Students must report to the 3/F Primary Office to collect a Late Pass
Secondary: Students must report to the 8/F Secondary Office to collect a Late Pass
Arrival Information
All students enter the building via the Norfolk Rd front entrance stairway.
Dismissal Information
When changing any pick-up arrangements for your child (Prep - Year 12) on any given day, please ensure that their relevant Class Teacher or their respective School Office is advised before 12:00 noon.
Primary students travelling home by bus will go directly to the bus bay (G/F), have their names marked off by the appropriate bus escort, and then board their bus.
If you are collecting your child, classroom teachers will escort students to the Field Departure Area. The EVA Field gates will be opened at 2:50pm. Supervision of your child after school classroom hours is a parental responsibility.
If your child has an Extra Curricular Activity (ECA) or activity after school and is in Prep, Year 1 or Year 2, please ensure they are properly supervised, either by yourself or your helper, until their activity commences. Use either the Cafeteria or Sports Terrace. Students are to remain directly with parents or helpers at all times during the supervision.
If your child has an ECA or activity after school and is in Year 3 - 12, and you are unable to supervise them, they must wait in the Library, quietly doing homework or reading a book until their activity starts.
2025 Calendar and Term Dates
Our school is unique and the uniform has been designed to reflect this. It is distinctive, vibrant and changes with the seasons. A number of optional uniform items are available should families wish to purchase them. We believe that our uniform builds a sense of school pride and community. All students are required to wear the approved school uniform every day, as applicable to their division of the school.
On-Campus Uniform Shop (Kowloon Tong)
The Uniform Shop is located on the 1st floor of AISHK. Until further notice, families may visit the Uniform Shop for fittings or purchases by appointment only. To make an appointment please contact Uniform Shop manager, Ms Shirley Cheng at midasuniform@aishk.edu.hk
The uniform shop regular opening times, 8:00am to 3:30pm, Mondays and Thursdays each week during school term time.
Please contact Ms Shirley Cheng at midasuniform@aishk.edu.hk for an appointment.
Off-Campus Uniform Shop (Lai Chi Kok)
In addition to online order pickup, the Lai Chi Kok store offers in-store Sales Service, Sizing and Fitting (fitting rooms) and in-store Return & Exchange.
8F China Pacific Industrial Bldg No 10 Wing Hong Street Lai Chi Kok Google Maps Link
Online Store
Uniform items can also be purchased via the online shop. For details and directions to the online store, please click here. Online orders exceeding HK$600 qualify for Free Shipping!
Midas Uniforms provide SF express lockers, and door to door delivery service for “Industrial and Commercial Areas”. If customers have made any delivery order with residential address, please kindly provide the SF Express Service Point (Click here) or Smart Locker code (Click here) for self-pick up to our Email: midasonline@midasltd-hk.com. Delivery time is currently 3-4 working days once we receive your shipping details.
Second Hand Uniform
AISHK families have donated second hand uniform items to the school, from students who no longer require them. Subject to availability, AISHK can provide second hand uniform items, free of charge and available in the uniform shop. To enquire about second hand uniform items please email info@aishk.edu.hk.
During Holidays Uniforms can be dropped off at the ninth-floor administration desk and will be sorted for parents to peruse during office hours.
During Term Time Drop-offs can be made at the 1st Floor uniform shop or the 9th Floor administration desk.
Uniform Items for Early Years, Primary and Secondary Students 2025
For full guidelines, please refer to the Parent Handbook in iSams parent portal.
Bus Service
AISHK has engaged two bus companies to provide extensive bus routes for our students across Hong Kong. All buses are minibuses, with air conditioning, a driver and bus supervisor.
Buses pick up students at various times between 6:40am and 7:45am, with the aim of arriving at school between 7:55 - 8:00am. All buses depart from school at 3:00pm sharp.
Some bus routes offer a late bus service, please note this service has limited stops, departing the school at 4:30pm for those attending an after-school activity. Please contact the bus company for more details.
Please note that Secondary students can only use the bus in the morning and should make their own way home after school in the afternoon.
Kwoon Chung Motors Co Ltd. is contracted to provide the school bus services for most areas of Hong Kong. For enquiries and details regarding bus schedules, pick-up and drop-off points, times, and fees, please contact the bus company directly for assistance, email: ais@kcm.com.hk
Top Do Bus Company Ltd. currently provide the bus service for the South side of Hong Kong Island. For enquiries and details regarding bus schedules, pick-up and drop-off points, times and fees, please contact the bus company directly for assistance,
Students may bring their own food to school or purchase options from a varied and healthy selection of meals and refreshments provided by a certified catering service.
For students in Reception (full day) to Year 6, hot meals should be pre-ordered with the meal order form and menu below.
Secondary students from Year 7 to Year 12 are not required to pre-order their meals and may purchase directly from the cafeteria with cash or Octopus Card.
The school requires every student from Years 4-9 to purchase a school appointed laptop package. This includes the designated laptop, a wide range of software needed for learning and a complete support structure. Students studying in Years 10-12 have the option of purchasing a school appointed laptop package or using a "BYOD" (bring your own device) laptop computer.
Laptops will be delivered to students during the first week of school via the IT department. The cost of the laptop will be added to the parents account for the term of commencement.
For full details, rules, and procedures regarding school laptops, please refer to the following documents:
The Performing Arts department would like to introduce you to our Instrumental Programme and Introductory Instrumental Scheme. These programmes are available to students in Prep to Year 12, and offer a convenient and varied approach to learning musical instruments during normal school hours. Lessons are provided on a one-to-one basis with the teacher for the following range of classes:
Students enjoy a wide range of Extra Curricular Activities (ECA) and Sport programmes.
We use a daily preference system so students can participate in the ECAs they want to across the week. There is no limit to the number of ECA’s you can choose, but as it is a preferencesystem, there is no guarantee that students will get all their choices.
Extra-Curricular Activities (ECA) – Additional before and after school activities that align and complement the school values and incur extra charges. Co-Curricular Activities (CCA) – Additional activities that take place outside of the classroom but compliment academic learning from the classroom and do not incur any extra charges. Kangaroo’s & Joey’s Sport – Aligns with ECA’s and includes social sports clubs and representative sports team training, with internal and external coaches. These all incur extra charges. Our Sport, ECA & CCA enrolment operates on a preference system (as opposed to a “first come, first served” approach), which facilitates a higher overall participation rate. Allocation by preference helps to ensure that all students have a better opportunity to participate in ECAs with a more equitable spread. There is no limit to the number of ECAs you choose, but as it is a preferencesystem (per each day), there is no guarantee that students will get their choices. However, we hope that all students will get at least one of their choices. Term 1 2025 Sport, ECA & CCA Timeline
Sport, ECA & CCA begin week 2 (Monday 10 January 2025)
Sport & ECA’s finish week 9 (Thursday 3 April 2025)
Enrolment Dates for SchoolsBuddy Signup SystemParents new to AISHK in 2025 will have received an email with account setup instructions when they join the school. Please contact eca_sport@aishk.edu.hk if you do not have a login email. Please note, that the Sport & ECA enrolments are not, first come first served so there is no rush to make your choices.
Squad SwimmingPlease note that swimming will be by invitation only. All current squad members will be contacted by our Aquatics Manager, Mr Eric Yeung. If you are new to the school and/or would like to join the swim squads, please contact Mr Yeung at eric_yeung@aishk.edu.hk and he will arrange a trial for your child in early term 1. Please note that our squad swimming is training, and we do not run a Learn to Swim Program. If you need assistance, we can put you in touch with a Learn to Swim provider. Should you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the Sports and Activities Office via email at eca_sport@aishk.edu.hk.